Sunday, November 24, 2013

Shane McMahon Should Not Return

Unless it is in a cameo role.
Just wow...

I'll add a page for it later, but in my first WWE Sunday's post, I talk about everybody's favourite boy billionaire, Shane O'Mac. He had a good run in WWE, getting his ass kicked by DX, by Kane and then by Randy Orton and then leaving the company. In all of those runs, in all of them, he showed amazing athletic ability. Fans loved him, but they really didn't, their clamoring for his return but not knowing what he's really up to proves it.


How many know what Shane is doing? Few, most actually think that he's working backstage. How many know if he works out? About two, me and somebody on Wrestling Inc.
At least buy a comb!

Look at him. He has more grey hair than Vince McMahon and that is saying something. The dude's got a beer belly now (he's sucking it in)! This guy has got to have a blink or you'll miss it backstage cameo, he's had his time, did it wonderfully and will only look like an ass if he's on tv now.
While personally I find this photo gross, Shane could use his sister's exercise tips.


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